SGMS School: MS/MS - Fundamentals & Applications

Dorint Blüemlisalp Beatenberg, 25 & 26 October 2022




The School’s focus is on the Tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) fundamentals and applications for structural analysis of small and large molecules. The importance of ion activation and dissociation techniques that form the basis of MS/MS is growing with every year, while the new methods and approaches continue to widen the already impressive arsenal of MS/MS techniques. In addition to the well-characterized collision-induced dissociation (CID) methods, the radical-driven electron capture/transfer dissociation (ExD) methods have become commercially available on diverse platforms, including FTMS and TOF MS. The enhanced quality experimental data are now accompanied by modern software approaches to facilitate and automate the MS/MS data analysis. The powerful computational approaches process extreme amounts of information to reveal hidden information. The 2022 SGMS School will thus provide an overview of the modern MS/MS approaches, accompanied by practical work aiming to better understand how the MS/MS data is linked to molecular structure. The faculty comprises experts in the structural analysis of both the large molecules (proteins) and the small molecules (metabolites). We look forward to your active participation!

Pierre-Marie Allard (Uni Fribourg) Richard Knochenmuss (RKResearch LLC)
Laurent Bigler (Uni Zurich) Joseph Loo (UCLA)
Natalia Gasilova (EPFL) Marcus Macht (MS Vision AG)
Sergey Girel (Uni Geneva) Saša Miladinović (HES-SO Valais)
Gaëtan Glauser (Uni Neuchatel) Luc Patiny (EPFL)
Elisabeth Janssen (EAWAG) Yury Tsybin (Spectroswiss LLC)
Anton Kaufmann (Cantonal Lab ZH)

download the School Program here (pdf)


Tuesday, October 25, 2022 

Wednesday, October 26, 2018