SGMS School: Ion Mobility Fundamentals & Applications

Ion Mobility coupled with Mass Spectrometry (IM-MS) is a rapidly developing and increasingly powerful and versatile technique. Although known since about 1900, only recently has IM advanced to the point of wider commercialisation and application. This is partly due to a recent burst of new technologies which are exciting but diverse, complex and not easy to compare. The 2019 SGMS School on Ion Mobility: Fundamentals and Application, brings together top experts from the major IM-MS suppliers to give us high-level insight into the technologies, their strengths and weakness, and show us example applications. Anyone who wants to be informed about these key new analytical technologies, or is considering adding IM-MS to their lab, should find the workshop useful and interesting.


Workshop Social Report

Day 1: Dr. Valérie Gabelica kicks off the workshop with a brilliant overview of the different implementation of Ion Mobility

and we have a Full House!



Dr. Jim Langridge, FRSC from Waters Corporation, starts the second session giving us a deep insight on how Travelling Wave, Cyclic IMS technology and fundamentals functions.

After the very complex IMS technology, we switch to the next manufacturer.

Dr. John C. Fjeldsted from Agilent. He takes us into the world of low field drift systems with the following lecture - Uniform Field (Drift Tube) Ion Mobility – Mass Spectrometry

Partners in crime during the coffee break. Jim Langridge (Waters) and John Fjeldsted (Agilent)

Dr. Axel Besa has a very entertaining presentation on Sciex implementation of Ion Mobility, namely Differential Mobility Spectrometry (DMS)

Continuing with the differential scanning techniques, Dr. Michael Belford from Thermofisther explains us the fundamentals of FAIMS (and how beautiful the acronym is).

We have a well-deserved coffee break with loads of sweet goodies to feed our synapses.

After all the static flow techniques we now go to dynamic flow. The last presentation in the fundamental session is presented by  Dr. Oliver Raether from Bruker Daltonik taking about  Trapped Ion Mobility Spectrometry (TIMS).

After a nice Q&A discussion, we move to the Application series of talks. Dr. Jim Langridge from Waters shows some dazzlingly nice images generated by DESI-IMS, amazing!

Day 2

After a glorious sunrise in Beatenberg, we continue with the SGMS mIon Mobility Workshop

Dr. John C. Fjeldsted (Agilent) starts today by telling us about the interesting and very complex world of lipids. Many of these identifications wouldn't be possible without Ion Mobility.

Alex Besa from Sciex convinced us the added benefit of having gas phase ion separation in front of any instrument in his applications talk using differential scanning Ion Mobility. Visualising ions that normally are lost in the background.

Along the same lines, Michael Belford (Thermofisher) show superior performance in crosslinked peptide identification and even single-cell protein identification with CV fractionation using the FAIMS PRO (differential scanning ion mobility)

Dr. Oliver Raether (Bruker) closes the workshop in style with some very impressive data generated with a Trapped Ion Mobility device. MALDI images are amazing.